Why Hiring Los Angeles Workers’ Compensation Attorney From Turchin Law Is A No Brainer
Why do you need a workers’ compensation attorney and why should it be Turchin Law? Because you can’t afford not to simply because Turchin Law is the best at what it does.
Consider this for a moment. For most areas of law in California, there is no control over attorneys’ fees. In a typical auto accident case, a personal injury lawyer will charge attorneys’ fees anywhere from 33% to as high as 50% of your recovery. California does not impose regulations on these fees. Even the Judge does not get to decide whether a fee is fair or not in almost every area of the law. Workers’ compensation law is different. In 99% of our cases, Workers’ compensation attorneys‘ fees are limited to 15% and all such fees must be approved by a workers’ compensation Judge who reviews every settlement before it is approved. Consequently, if your lawyer can help you to increase the value of your case more than 15%, then hiring a lawyer is the right choice to make. Given that the very purpose of Turchin Law is to maximize the recovery of our clients, we certainly expect that our efforts will increase the value of your case well beyond that 15% fee and our track records proves it time and again.
If you truly believe that you can handle your own case without a lawyer, then why are you exploring this website? If this is not the first website you have clicked on, then you already know that every attorney says they will work hard for you and get you the most money possible. You should understand, however, that just because every attorney has a law degree does not mean that every lawyer is the same. What we hope that you learn from investigating Turchin Law, and certainly after you meet with us, is that we are truly different from most work comp firms.
Turchin Law is different because our lawyers spent decades as insurance company insiders and know exactly how the insurance company and your employer are evaluating your case.
Turchin Law was born out of decades of working for employers and insurance companies. What does it mean to hire a workers comp lawyer who has decades of experience working for the same companies we now fight on every case? After handling thousands of workers’ compensation cases on behalf of the defense industry, our view of your case includes a deep understanding of the defense playbook. Knowing the way the insurance company claims adjusters review your case, the checklists they use to value a settlement, and how insurance companies decide which issues to fight is of vital importance to you receiving the best legal representation possible. Because Turchin Law’s attorneys used to work hand in hand with the adjusters that handle every workers’ compensation claim for the insurance companies, Turchin Law knows exactly what buttons to push so that your case does not drag out and to help us identify the best time to resolve your case at the critical point where its value is at its highest. These are some of the invaluable perks that every one of our clients enjoys that most firms simply cannot provide.
After decades of providing legal counsel to the insurance companies, we frankly had a crisis of conscience. Instead of helping huge insurance companies profit by reducing injured workers’ recoveries, we recognized that this knowledge provided us a golden opportunity to help real people who lives have been altered by the fact that they were victims of an injury at work. The satisfaction that comes with helping Turchin Law’s clients overcome workplace accidents is far more rewarding than increasing the profits of a faceless insurance company. The insurance companies and their army of lawyers view every case with skepticism. In their view, workplace injuries either did not really happen at work or, if the accident was witnessed, they instead claim that the injured worker is exaggerating their claims to defraud the insurance company.
After years of drinking that Kool-Aid, we at Turchin Law realized that this attitude toward workplace injuries might stop some false claims, but that many, many more real claims end up getting caught up in the witch hunt and result in workers having to fight to prove their claims are real as opposed to concentrating on getting the best medical care possible to ensure the best recovery. Now that we have dedicated our lives to protecting injured workers, we are able to turn that knowledge of the insurance industry into a benefit geared to increase the value of your case. It is precisely this insider knowledge that has made Turchin Law one of the pre-eminent workers’ compensation law firms in California.